Just wanted to clarify something about my game:

My TTRPG isn't going to be a word for word representation of Hinduism, but stories & concepts derived from it into game form, creating a love letter to the culture so as to spark curiosity in the player to want to learn more!...... https://twitter.com/KP11Studios/status/1291020965674012672
My hope with this is to use characters/themes/philosophies from my culture to tell a brand new story that pays an homage to its origins.

That when YOU play it, you will want to read the original stories & be inspired to use them in your own creative endeavors in a respectful way
And not just MY culture! I hope that you'd be willing to give others a chance as well, and take those stories to fuel your creative imagination!

Mainly, I'm really fucking tired of western Medieval fantasy and piss poor adaptations of other cultures by a bunch of white dudes...
Anyways, just wanted to clarify this before the inevitable mouthbreathers who will come later to nitpick and try to tear me apart.
P.S. Inspired =/= Blatant butchering of the source.

Always always work with sensitivity readers/council to ensure what you create is still respectful to the culture and its people!!!
You can follow @KP11Studios.
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