There are those who want to get really upset about a shitty Presidential election which is fair but you'll save yourself months and months of emotional indigestion if you just resign yourself to it being harm reduction and not overly identifying with electoralism.
Kerry was a complete piece of shit and I voted for him. It sucked. I hated it.

Clinton was a complete piece of shit and I voted for her. It wasn't fun. I wasn't excited about it.

Biden is a complete piece of shit...

This is how the DNC works. This is how electoralism works.
Don't try to identify as a Democrat.

Don't get attached to modifiers. Don't call yourself a "Berniecrat" or a "Warren Democrat."

The DNC is a bucket of corporate ass sweat and has been for a long time.

Don't find your identity in a bucket of ass sweat.
Stop treating the Presidency as some kind of prize people win. Stop treating the "VP Pick" as some kind of fucking pageant.

Like we could automate the Presidency tomorrow. We have the technology.

Don't get so fucking attached to it. They're all war criminals anyway.
The reduction of politics to electioneering is why people are so pissed off about a corporate party picking a corporate candidate who works in the interests of the moneyed class. Like does that surprise you? Why? What did you really expect was going to happen.
If you don't like how the DNC acts, then it necessitates that we stop letting your politics be defined by the outcomes of Democratic Presidential Primaries.

You're setting yourself up for a LIFETIME of reactionary politics if that's the only energy you work with.
The most brain-numbing thing about American leftists to me is that they so readily allow their political horizon to be constrained by the narrowed parameters set by the Democratic National Committee.

Don't surrender your imagination to such dipshit hegemony.
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