1/ Dedicated to the 🌊 #Resist Crowd.

Debunking the most commonly held beliefs and claims in regards to @realDonaldTrump

Let's look at the facts.

What is actually true?


What has "legacy" media led you to believe via highly skilled propaganda and disinformation?
2/ Trump's a racist. ❌

Did you know that Trump fought to allow non-white members into his Mara-a-Lago Club in 1996.

"Palm Beach is very much changing for the better,"..."and a lot of that is because of Mara-a-Lago." http://archive.is/nqbKG 
3/ Trump has done NOTHING for communities of color. ❌

Are you aware of:

☑️ The lowest black unemployment rate on record
☑️ Prison Reform & The First Step Act
☑️ Creation of Opportunity Zones
☑️ Long term funding for HBCU's (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)
4/ Charlottesville proves that Trump is a racist. ❌

No. "Good people on both sides" includes:

Good people who came to protect the statue


Good people like Heather Heyer, who tragically died on that day.

Watch for yourself.

Thanks @FogCityMidge
5/ Did you know that Trump dated a gorgeous, biracial model named Kara Young in 1997?

Would a racist date a biracial woman? ❌

Does Trump appreciate beautiful women? ✅

Okay, you got him on this claim!

SHOCKING: "Billionaire dated beautiful models in the 90s, Film at 11." 📺
6/ Trump is a rapist. ❌

Trump has had many claims of sexual assault levied at him since 2016. ✅

How many claims have been adjudicated in a court of law?


How many "heirs" came out of the woodwork when the musician Prince passed away without a legal will?

7/ Trump hates women. ❌

@FLOTUS Melania Trump has said that Trump treats both men and women equally.

"When you attack him, he will punch back 10 times harder."

Women are not spared simply for being women.

They are held to the same exact standard.
8/ Do you know what a former girlfriend, Rowanne Brewer, has said about dating Trump?

In public, he had "that air about him," she said, but in private, he was a different person. "More gentle," she said. http://archive.vn/BXhEm 
9/ Trump is an anti-Semite. ❌

Did you know that Trump's grandchildren are Jewish?

Reconcile this one and get back to me.

Did you know that Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, when previous presidents promised, but failed.

H/T @joshdcaplan https://twitter.com/i/status/996056886712700928
10/ Trump is against the LGBTQ Community. ❌

Did you know that the Trump Administration is leading the fight to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide?

Thank you @RichardGrenell. http://archive.vn/UNt4h 
11/ Trump did the same bad things Jeffrey Epstein did. ❌

Did you know Trump banned Epstein from Mara-a-Lago?

“I’m not a fan of his,”

Did you know Trump was one of the only people to assist defense attorney Bradley Edwards in the case against Epstein? https://twitter.com/i/status/1289268512502870016
12/ Trump is dismantling our agencies and institutions. ✅

This one is true.

Trump is "Draining the Swamp", as he promised to do.

Many of these organizations are deeply corrupt and need to be reorganized, similar to how a Fortune 100 company reorganizes.

This is a GOOD thing.
13/ Who is Trump really?

He is someone who has been preparing to be President for decades.

He is someone who loves America and all Americans.

He is someone dedicated to improvement, in America and abroad.

He is someone who has been mischaracterized. https://twitter.com/i/status/1207906438246551552
14/ Trump does good deeds for the sake of Public Relations. ✅ and ❌

We can concede that charitable giving is a business strategy, but good deeds are inspiring nonetheless.

We need more kindness in the world and Trump has quietly done many good deeds.
15/ Why take the time to debunk these claims?

Because this is what swamp politicians, celebrities and media DO NOT want you to know.

They want you to hate him...

because they hate him.

They HATE him for exposing their corruption and misdeeds. http://archive.is/kuJKk 
16/ This thread was inspired by the truth tellers, the ones who love freedom, who want to see improvement, and who can see through the media lies.

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