The carnage on North Capitol Street continues, and the need for further @DDOTDC intervention grows. It's designed like a highway, and it's killing and injuring those who live by it and those who drive on it.
We desperately need a city-led effort to reimagine the corridor and realign it with the values of the neighborhoods it bisects. North Capitol Street separates Bloomingdale and Eckington by cutting off many local east-west roads.
That chasm shouldn't be papered over with an expensive park. It should be filled in so that we can restore connectivity, economic vitality, and safety instead of continuing to prioritize vehicle speed and volume.
And while we're at it, let's improve the efficiency of the 80 bus by giving it full-time dedicated lanes. Like other bus lines, it serves lower-income residents who are just as deserving of a convenient commute as those who own cars.
And then let's use those lanes to serve additional bus service to meet the needs of a changing city. We need a circulator that serves Ward 5. Make bus service between Colombia Heights, Bloomingdale, and points east a reality.
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