I just think it would be neat if in the next draft, instead of being padded with blood, wombs could be lined with like, soft lil feathers or something? & they could just stay in there. I don’t need to see.
Being a person who’s never gonna gestate children who still gets a period is like having a guest room you absolutely will not use but are compelled to spend several days painstakingly cleaning all the linens in every month.
Also you never wanted the guest room. At first you were like, “oh cool, I could use this extra space as like a home studio, maybe for exercise” & the realtor held you by both shoulders, looked you dead in the eye & said, “No. Guest Room.” which turned out to be a binding curse!
To be clear, I would gladly swap my uterus for an actual guest room, even with a weird binding curse to only use it for guests I can’t have because the rest of my life will be pandemic times.
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