The best play for Trump is to ignore Kamala Harris entirely.
Harris is a woman, ignoring her is a masculine FLEX.
Paradoxically, ignoring her also underlines and draws attention to what a ‘lame duck’ Biden is — if he was a strong candidate ignoring his w**** running mate wouldn’t be nearly such a conspicuous omission.
Why should Trump — the president of the USA, the greatest country on Earth — even *have* a position on the ‘not-even-not-yet-elected-but-will-NEVER-be-elected-NOMINATION-for-VICE-president’ when it’s him that’s going to *be* PRESIDENT in 2020.
There is simply nothing to be grained by the Trump campaign by so much as acknowledging Harris’s existence — she’s not even worth a negging — just ignore her and focus the lasers on Biden.
When they put her forward to speak / debate instead of Biden, Trump should engage with Harris — she’s invisible to him — he should push the conversation back to Biden: ‘where is he?’ ‘Why’s he not here?’ ‘isn’t it Biden who’s running for President?’
I can’t see any mileage in Trump engaging Harris on issues such as race, sexism, etc where she can speak “from her lived experience as a woman of colour” and effectively pre-neutralise anything he has to say on these subjects...
...which of course inevitable tip over into the whole Progressive Oppressed / Oppressor narrative, in which Trump — an old white billionaire alpha male — comes typecast as the archetypical oppressor.
There is simply no way Trump — with the MSM (as always) lining up and mobilising against him — can control the optics or successfully steer the narrative in against someone who personifies everything ‘good’ while he personifies everything ‘bad’.
The solution is simple, nignore and refuse to engage, always returning to Biden — where is he? Is he alive or dead? Why won’t his keepers let him speak in public? — and never getting drawn into anything with Harris.
She is invisible to you @realDonaldTrump
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