Centrist: "Don't do the work of the GOP!"

Also Centrist: *Angrily punches left, dismisses leftist concerns as unrealistic and childish, and says Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders are extreme leftists* https://twitter.com/IamShaneMorris/status/1293549492101357569
If leftists are the reason that Democrats keep losing elections, maybe they should try appealing to us instead of this centrist goober.
I beg of everyone not to give any credence to a guy so out of touch and uninformed that he thinks Bernie Sanders is the furthest left you can be and that Black people are the only minority that exists.
I beg of everyone not to listen to some dipshit who thinks that expanding the prison industrial complex, jailing people for nonviolent crime including being unable to get their kids to school, and using slave labor are tiny, insignificant issues that don't affect people.
I beg of everyone to ignore a guy who starts out claiming that healthcare for everyone is an important issue and then dismisses people who want candidates to support universal healthcare as whiny children.
I beg of everyone out there not to listen to a guy who thinks the best way to win elections is to pretend that the candidates are too fragile to withstand criticism and are incapable of listening to potential constituents and changing positions and apologizing for past misdeeds.
The reason Democrats keep losing elections is not because of purity tests by leftists, but because they think the only people they should have to appeal to, the only people worth appeasing and changing positions for, are wealthy donors and moderate Republicans.
But wealthy donors and most moderate Republicans are getting exactly what they want under a Trump presidency, so promising "Trump, but less so" isn't going to appeal to them. It hasn't for decades.
Democrats act like anyone left of Reagan owes them a vote because they have no other options, and then berate them for choosing other options when they're available. But they will sell out everything to chase the mythical moderate Republican swing voter.
The "big tent" mentality is applied to the Lincoln Project and anti-abortion Democrats, not to leftists. People who want to continue restricting healthcare and housing during a pandemic are "reasonable Republicans," people who want M4A and rent freezes are "children."
Remember that Obama could have fought for a Public Option ten years ago, but didn't because he wanted to appeal to a handful of centrist corporatist Blue Dog Democrats. And then further compromise with the Right led to the adoption of a fucking Heritage Foundation plan.
How many people have died or gone bankrupt in the ten years it took for "public option" to become the centrist corporatist compromise position? How many more will die in poverty before corporate Dems are willing to fight for universal healthcare?
But these are petty issues, not worth criticizing candidates over. It's not a problem that these candidates dismiss leftist concerns and will not fight for them. Their willingness to move right bodes well for their "extremely progressive" platform. Get in line, lick the boot.
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