Why do men crave adventure?

More important,

Why are you excited when you start a new job,

Then want to quit so quickly after?

The answer is biological.
Dopamine is a hell of a drug.

It will drive you to great heights
And great lows.

It leads men to success
And to ruin.

Dopamine is the reward center of the brain. It worked well when we needed to survive,

But what about in today’s time?
There is no survival today.

Wake up
Fast food

However, our reward center is still on at all times.

Industries spend billions to take advantage of this and, as a result, we have manufactured chaos into our lives.
Adventure, much like refreshing your Twitter feed, provides some excitement in your life.

It provides something new.

This is the same as starting a new job. Eventually that new job becomes just a job.

You’re bored of it because you need a new dopamine fix.
New jobs
New porn videos
New notifications
New sports games
New YouTube videos

We crave an authentic human experience, but get caught in the trap of living through others.

However, we can hack our reward center and make it work for us.
Adventure and experience doesn’t need to be grandiose to release dopamine.

Even hunter-gatherers fell into routine.

Our brains are wired for it.

But everything they did was authentic.
Don’t consume content,
Create it.

Even entrepreneurship gets stale,
So treat each day with the newness of the first day.

Get off porn,
Meet people and experience them authentically.

Don’t watch sports,
Join a recreational league or play with friends.
For too long we have been consuming a fake human experience.

Every time is leads us wanting more, wanting something else.

There will never be satisfaction.

We’ve just never been able to put our finger on the source of our wanting.

It’s all dopamine.
The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can make it work for you and not against you.

The adventure is right in front of you, you just don’t think it’s good enough.

The sooner you enjoy the little things, the sooner you’ll enjoy your life.
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