The Pineal Gland & De-calcification 👁️


The Pineal Gland. Some are familiar, some aren't. Anddd that's why were going to take a deep dive into the "seat of the soul" or better known as "the third eye"

Buckle up! And take a unique, mind opening journey with me
The pineal gland is a pine-cone shaped gland located smack dab in the middle of our brains. But why is it important? It's linked to perception & magnetic frequency. It also regulates melatonin levels & sleep cycles (where u at my fellow insomniacs?)
The "Third Eye" is the 6th of 7 chakras. It's the energy point for developing intuition, inner powers, clear decision making, balancing the outer world & evolution of one's self. Ever wonder where your "gut feeling" comes from? It's very complex & still not fully understood
The power of the "Third Eye" can be traced back throughout history, clear back to Egyptian times. Better known to the Egyptians as "The Eye of Horus." It was seen as a sign of prosperity & protection, derived from the myth of Isis & Osiri
The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the year, i.e., "Eye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight." For many year, the Eye of Horus was considered as a symbol of prosperity & protection by the ancient Egyptians
In fact, the earliest surviving description of the pineal gland in the Greek tradition was in the 8th book of Galen's. On the usefulness of the parts of the body in which he gave it the name "pineal" because of it's resemblance to pine nuts
So what does all of this mean? Who cares about this tiny gland in the brain you've probably never heard of, right? I hear ya people! I was one of you until recently. BUT so much has popped up recently about the importance of de-calcification & your health. Let's take a walk!
To understand the importance you must understand the roles it plays:

Sleep & the circadian wake-sleep cycle
Immune System
Motor Activity
Cancer & Tumor Suppression
Longevity & Anti-Aging
Reproductive function & Sex hormones
Growth & Development
Body Temo
Blood Pressure
Now let's talk about what happens when it calcifies over time with age. As a result of our biological makeup, the Pineal Gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier & does not have an extra line of defense against harmful toxins entering the bloodstream
Many things can cause your Pineal gland to become "block" or "calcified." The biggest item on that list is, say it with me, FLUORIDE. But Danielle, the FDA puts fluoride in our toothpaste & it's in our water. Yes, I know, I have my theories 🤨
Some say the reason our water is fluoridated is to intentionally calcify the Pineal Gland, decreasing our intelligence, resulting in a more submissive society. More willing to follow it's leaders. It's, oddly enough, been around since the 1940's
Other factors, including fluoride, affect the Pineal Gland in terms of calcification. Diet, sunlight exposure, decrease of melatonin production, etc.
So first let's cover the signs of calcification. Any of these sound familiar?

Trouble sleeping or insomnia
Confusion or anxiety about decision making
Frequent headaches
Lack of imagination
Lack of life direction
Poor memory
Feel pulled to meditate
Okay. So maybe you're thinking you might have some blockage, potentially lol which most of us actually do, in fact 60% of people have calcified pineal glands. What now? How can I access & unblock this vital element of our brains? Let's keep it goin'..

Acid forming vs. Alkaline-forming

The difference is like night & day. Or, for a lack of better terms, diseased vs. not diseased

Too much acid in the blood causes imbalances & eventually, disease.

Alkaline foods enrich the body & the mind
Alkaline Forming vegetables & fruits such as:

broccoli, carrots, cucumber, eggplant, kale, okra, onions, wheat grass, apple, banana, coconut, lemon, peaches, watermelon, strawberries, etc.

Find a more comprehensive list here:
Nuts (such as almonds, macadamia, walnuts, flax seeds, chestnuts, pecans, etc.) & spices (chili pepper, cinnamon, sea salt, curry, etc.) are great for consumption. One of the most important things to note is eliminating any pesticides, herbicides, GMO's & chemicals. GO ORGANIC!)
Basically, you want to avoid all the good shit. ALLLL the stuff we wish we could eat 24/7. Artificial sweeteners, cakes, pasta, sugar, ALCOHOL 🙄 dairy products & juices. Just be prepared to exercise some serious restraint
As for supplements/vitamins?

Vitamin K2
Vitamin D3 (taken in conjunction with K2)
Vitamin B12
Snake Liver Oil
Fish Oil

Im sure there are others, feel free to drop them below but we're movin on..
It sounds way too simple...but CLEAN WATER. Not this "I drink from the tap" mess. Reverse osmosis systems, distilled or spring water. To keep it simple, a Brita or Clearly Filtered. They remove up to 99% of contaminants
I touched on the whole toothpaste debacle earlier but it's important to note that we have been conditioned to this fluoride is healthy for us. It's in our water, it's in our toothpaste/mouthwash, hell it's pushed on us at the dentist. It is NOT healthy... 
Fluoride is NOT an essential nutrient. When it's added to our drinking water, the dose isn't regulated. It actually accumulates in the body. Healthy adult kidneys excrete 50-60% of the fluoride ingested. The remainder accumulates in the bones or Pineal gland
TOM's is a great option for non-fluoride toothpaste. I'm sure you can make your own but I'm a mom of two so ain't nobody got time for that 😂 or maybe you do idk? haha!

Other activities you can do to enhance your Pineal Gland involves the SUN☀️
Sun Gazing 

Sun Bathing

Or just 30 min of sun exposure a day..with or without cocktails is permitted 😉
Other physical activities that can enhance your journey of spiritual enlightenment & Pineal decalcification include:

chakra yoga
So now you know most of the life changing habits you need to adopt to access your "third eye" in order to enhance your spirituality & overall wellness..

But it wouldn't be a "Danielle thread" if I didn't throw in a plot twist conspiracy theory at the end
There's a certain medication that has come under fire for being hailed as the "cure" for COVID1984...HCQ

HCQ "coincidentally" decalcifies the Pineal gland bc it appears to affect the calcification of cells

The med is being suppressed & demonized in the media..
Do they want us to keep us from accessing one of the most powerful aspects of our brain?

Fluoride in our water? chemicals/pesticides on our foods? GMO in much of our processed foods? Now hiding a 60+ year old medication w/ a safer side effect profile than tylenol?
Whatever it is, we have the power to access our "third eye" which is essentially the main access point between the astral body & physical body

Be well my friends, focus on your overall wellness & work toward a better you. Namaste
I am not an expert & I'm not pretending to be an expert. There are a thousand other things I could include in this thread but it's already insanely long. SO - if you have suggestions or additions of any kind drop them below for the fellow readers! Thanks guys
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