Pshh Mummy Wa!🙆🏾‍♂️ personally the husband cheating thing that’s condoned & wives told to just accept it, needs to stop. Ppl must be held accountable for their actions. A Christian cheating on his wife/husband cheats on Jesus for it’s said “love ur spouse like he loves he’s church”.
Violation to that is violating Jesus Christ. Furthermore divorce should neither be the solution as God truly hates divorce[Malachi 2:16].Jesus said divorce was never an option from the beginning but cos of the corruption of men, Moses permitted it through the law [Mathew 19:18]..
therefore Jesus said it can be only done if the marriage bed has been defiled(fornication). God has never liked divorce and still doesn’t, as it’s a misrepresentation of him. Understand how he values this covenant so much as it’s a reflection of his relationship with Him and us..
He never abandons us regardless of our unfaithfulness nature he’s truly the perfect bride, hence as men we’re to take example to him, by submitting ourselves to him. I love how the book of Hosea depicts that so well, it shows you how God feels through Hosea & his harlot wife😬
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