Rating things my family members said to me😝✌️ #toxicfamily #EDtwt
“You should kill yourself because useless people don’t deserve to live”-my mom

-low key hurt my feelings
-tried to meet God didn’t work
-she said it multiple times
“Stop eating fatass! You are not pretty enough”-everyone

-wasn’t original
-still hurted me tho
-have been said since I was a toddler
-triggered my ed
“I will send you back to your dads”-mom (again)

-said it even tho she knew he sexually assaulted me since I was a kid
- still haven’t made me go to him
-a pussy
“No one will like you because you are not interesting “-my older brother

-he was wrong bc everyone likes me bc I am funny
-not that great
-I was mad bc I rely on personality and humour not looks
-almost killed him
“I love you”

-they don’t mean it
-they told me they hated me more than they loved me
-not original
-I knew that they didn’t love me from before so it had no effect whatsoever
End of thread y’all
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