so i've been thinking and i have one conclusion: love doesn't exist.

let me explain this
i mean, feelings are something very personal and unique so if i ask 10 different people what is love i'd receive 10 different answers, maybe some of them can't even explain what is love
maybe for someone love is cuddling and holding hands and be cute, and for other person that can be just something that you do on a daily basis

so, what is love? I don't think that love is anything, that love exists by itself as a thing
i think that love is just a word, a concept maybe like, you know, you can feel the "same" towards two different people and you can describe one of this feelings as love but not the other
so, what determines love?

i think that you just... know. That's it, you just know that you're in love, but not because of what you feel towards a person but because of how do YOU feel it, you feel something kinda different and you decide to call it love
but sometimes you call some feeling love and then you "discover" that it wasn't, but what was it then? Why it wasn't love? Well, it wasn't love because love doesn't exist. Love is just a concept that we use but when we don't feel the same as before we just dump it
So... what if love really doesn't exist? What if it is just a level of strength of a feeling? Just think about it.
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