TW// Cyberbullying, Panic Attacks

Hi. This is going to be a long thread.

Around 24 hours back, my friends and I engaged in a silly fan war but the other side started making false allegations and accused us of using racial slurs when we did nothing of that sort. +
+ They kept making 40-50 allegations and fabricated fake screenshots while we just watched. It was extremely triggering for me as a person with anxiety. Ultimately, I couldn't take it anymore and made a false allegation against them and accused them +
+ of using a slur against me. I censored the word too but I know it doesn't help and I'm truly sorry about hurting anyone's sentiments if I did. I did it as a measure of self-defence because I was bombarded and didn't know what to do. +
+ Since then, they have used a screenshot of my tweet and made up more fake screenshots and are using it to harass me. It's been almost 24 hours and around 20 accounts are spamming my replies. I have blocked them despite the fact that I didn't want to look weak. +
+ I had a severe panic attack just now because these accounts keep coming and they're spamming me with more fake allegations and their stupid fancams.
This is really distressing because I have always been very vocal about my support towards people of every religion, race +
+ sexuality, etc. But the allegations against me are extremely disgusting.
I have blocked them but they made new accounts and DMed me. I'll keep blocking them as they come but this is not a joke. I'm getting harassed. As triggering as it is +
+ I'll stay on Twitter and no, I'm not going private either because I won't let my bullies have the satisfaction of winning over me because they didn't.
I hope they realise it's horrible what they're doing and at the end, it only shows what kind of people they are. +
+ I'm sorry if I've hurt anyone's sentiments and I formally apologize but I panicked and didn't see any other way. But I didn't deserve any of this at all. I've always been respectful and ethical but I got brutally bombarded and they don't seem to stop. +
+ I'm not backing down. I'm staying here. You'll continue to see me on your TL. I know this is not well-written because I'm shaking and crying and haven't fully recovered from my panic attack but I hope I got the point across. +
To summarize, fuck you. If you're harassing someone online with fake allegations and fake screenshots, FUCK YOU. You're a terrible person.
And I'm going nowhere.
Retweet the hell out of this because I want these people to feel guilty.
Thank you for reading.
Love, Sun.
You can follow @louisfeatbrave.
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