Everything You Need to Know to Make Your First $ Online

I made my first piece of money online back in 2015.

Since then?

I’ve built up a full-time income using the internet completely.

This thread should get you started the right way, and also set you up so you don’t burn out when you’re making bank.
1) Information Overload

We see all these gurus giving advice.

But often they contradict each other and cram too much in your brain.

Trying to follow ALL advice slows you down when working, or straight up stops you.

Choose one or two experts and stick to their advice.
2) Shiny Object Syndrome

E-commerce is exciting, so is crypto, YouTube, Blogging, Freelancing, Marketing Agencies, etc etc.

Don’t keep trying all these businesses because they look good, stick to one.

Never fall for the “hot new business model”
3) It’s going to take much longer than you think

Money comes fast

But that’s only when it starts to come

You have to provide a lot to the world before you see it return

Prepare for a dry patch, in the beginning? Its inevitable

Keep going until that money rolls in, have faith
4) The Game is Relationships

Good connections in any industry will make you money.

Especially a connection with a huge network.

One person can introduce you to another person which makes you money.

Always be on the lookout for making some new ACTUAL friends.
For example...

I met a guy in Qatar in the Cigar lounge, turns out he’s worth $80 Million.

Full story here: https://twitter.com/Moneybaglives/status/1291976980146073600?s=20
5) Health Matters

Eat well & Sleep well.

Too many people sacrifice their health for business, only to crash and burn because of it.

Good health not only gives you more time on Earth.

But it gives you tremendous focus and creativity.
6) Action is King

Imperfect action beats “waiting for the perfect time” always.

You will never catch me strategizing for more than a few days with anything.

Action is where the money is, and it’s also where the greatest lessons are learned. @OfWudan taught me this.
7) Teamwork Makes the Dream work

Once you’ve built the necessary skills and have money coming in, assemble a team.

Whether you join one or build one. Once you’ve got a solid team in place? Anything is possible.
8) Don’t Chase Passion

People chase their passions hoping to get paid. However, most don’t have the skill to pull it off.

Which is why I always recommend finding something you’re naturally good at. Build around that.

“Chase your passion” once you’ve got your money handled.
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Thank you for reading ☀️

https://twitter.com/moneybaglives/status/1293546173425385472?s=21 https://twitter.com/moneybaglives/status/1293546173425385472
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