Like Samson but not exact, don't cut hair and reframe from grapes.

Interesting section they apply gematria to figure out how long a vow should last.
Here folks take the sacred pledge to be a Nazarite in Greek...

Reminder a curse on Greek wisdom. In Jewish mysticism, the world is described created and maintained through the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Using Greek or any other language unusual

Nazir Talmud Thread
Canceling future vows, sounds extremely unethical. Topic briefly mentioned below.

Well that is part of the controversy over Kol Nidre (All Vows). Practice was so controversial several Jewish communities banned it.

Nazir Talmud Thread
Male, female...tumtum and hermaphrodite. 4 of the 8 genders of the Talmud. Multiple and shifting genders comes from Judaism. Adam the First "man" intersexed according to some.

Nazir Thread
Ritual flogging and whipping.

This is called Makkot #Judaism

Nazir Talmud Thread
Lot and his daughters after Sodom and Gomorrah. In the opinion of some, he sinned and raped his daughters. Others the daughters sinned in Genesis 19 #VOTD

Nazir Talmud Thread

Nazir Talmud Thread
Do not combine wool or linen. Stated in Leviticus 19:19 and again as Negative Mitzvah 42.

Meaning not to wear clothes with both materials due to similarity to clothes of idolators. Pretty clear cut right...

The positive commandment (mitzvah) to wear ritual fringes made of wool & linen. Reminder double standards are at the ❤ heart of Judaism.

Nazir Talmud Thread
Same ritual fringes "zitzit" referenced in infamous 2,800 slaves passage in the Talmud.

Some believe nonjews will take hold of the ritual fringe and accept enslavement.
Hadran alakh 🔴
הדרן עלך
Textually a curious reoccurring phrase near end of tractates, some interpret as a prayer. Here combined with Cohen Gadol🔵, high priest.

Meaning "We will return to you"🔴 + high priest🔵. Usually name of completed text🔵. Teshuva
Nazir Talmud Thread
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