Why do I go so hard whenever the topic of Syracuse comes up in the MtG twitter sphere? Glad you asked. This town has a really strong player base and a very long history of competitive play. We HIGHLY value the few events we get every year, and attendance by locals is a guarantee.
So when I hear people on coverage disparaging our city because of the food, or the weather, or whatever, it pisses me off. No, this isn't Philly or Boston or LA. It's also not trying to be. We get it, snow is problematic when you aren't used it it. 2/x
And systemic racism in the early 20th century caused a city planning issue that makes what we have more spread apart. But our highway system makes everything reachable within 10 minutes, anywhere in or around town. Our snow removal is unparalleled so it will be 10 mins in winter.
Our hotels are affordable and even the cheap ones are nice, because our economics preclude $600/night rooms. And yes, we have amazing food in this town. But you gotta go further than walking, because that racist system I mentioned put a highway through the black neighborhoods.
So instead of a really cool city location for our event center, it sits in a part of the city that was once manufacturing-focused, but is now mostly empty. Like most of the city. But all of that is less important than this: When you talk shit about the town, people listen.
Every time someone says "I'd go this weekend but it's in Syracuse" it's one less person who will contribute to the success of the events here, and it punishes the local players way more than any grinder. You don't know how many people look forward to the 1/2 events per year.
A LOT of players don't travel to big events more than that, and if you crush the Upstate NY event because "lol no good restaurants" they are the ones that lose, not you, the grinder or commentator or whoever you are traveling in for two days and then bouncing.
It's fucking selfish and I'm sick to god damn death of it.
I'm done.
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