the most applicable lesson i’ve learned from my months of quasi-historical quasi-research is that you can’t fall into the trap of thinking that we simply need a Good person in power. not only is that an oxymoron imo (good people neither seek power nor keep it long)...
but it ignores the fact that even the best of leaders ultimately only distract us from systemic issues, not fix them, bc those systemic issues are often intrinsically tied to the fact that the people have so little power compared to those who lead.
a good leader can always be replaced by a bad one. harm reduction voting is a delay, at best; it temporarily saves Some lives & gives us all more time to figure out how to actually save the rest of them being lost every day to the churning machine of capitalism
idk if this thread has a point but basically i’m voting for biden but i’m not happy about it and i’ll never be Happy voting until that vote does more than simply picking someone else to make all the decisions for the rest of us
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