Okay, I love the work of Silvestri, but let's talk about breasts, the '90s, and comic books. Because drawing breasts this way isn't technically wrong, but it is dated and shows a very limited view of women. https://twitter.com/illusClaire/status/1293285616415920133
The basic fact is that some '90s cape artists pulled their references for women from adult models and porn stars. Women who relied on breast implants to enhance their careers. Women who got cheap work done that resulted in "bolted on breasts."
We've made amazing advancements in plastic surgery today and the "hard" breasts that were a result of thick scar tissue, silicone, and rush surgery jobs are a thing of the past. Women who can afford proper medical care simply don't look like that anymore.
Now, I appreciate the "'90s style" as a wonderful time capsule, but male artists who can't let go of this style in our modern era simply show signs of arrested development and a refusal to understand or appreciate women's bodies as they exist today.
And what is sad, but what is simply a side effect of that era, is that men who were young adults and adolescents at that time were trained to be aroused by physical evidence of the mistreatment of women by two industries--porn and medicine.
Now, let's take this even further, because the fact that the industry is still obsessed with this depiction of women and this version of cheesecake art in 2020 shows the absolute stagnation of the comics industry and a lack of diversity.
It is 2020 and not only have surgical procedures regarding breast implants improved, but a change in culture has resulted in rich women flocking to get Brazilian butt lifts and poor women getting silicone butt shots from back alley doctors. We are ten years into a new "it shape."
And still the men of comics cannot let go of Pamela Anderson as the rest of the world has moved onto Kylie--who should send a gift basket to her surgeon every single day.
But the GOATs understand these changes and incorporate them into their work. They grow. For example:
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