Suburbs are on the TL again (ugh 🙄) so let’s talk about what a suburban movement for socially progressive systems looks like.


It involves ensuring that the people who live in these spaces are supported by institutions doing this work.
You can’t physically locate all of the institutions and social support systems that promote progressive efforts within central cities and then kvetch that the suburbs aren’t getting involved. There are real social and spatial barriers to doing this work in suburbia.
What does work though, is actually enabling people within these neighborhoods to do this work- to canvas their neighbors, to create mutual aid systems, to push for legislative and administrative reforms- by using social change organizations as a medium to enhance their capacity.
Getting stuck at the macro level isn’t going to be helpful, because there isn’t enough focus on human agency. But a sole focus on the micro level ignores the systemic nature of these spaces as not intended this work. A focus on the meso-level has much to offer.
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