Something to think about for the vote or die crowd. Instead of parking in people's mentions/threads, perhaps ask yourself these questions...
Am I listening to what the other person is saying? Am I really sitting with the inequities/contradictions/sadness/grief/rage/impatience that they are expressing?
Am I able to recognize that the offices of the president and vice president of the US have perpetuated real violence in this country and abroad, that is even more hurtful and insidious because we never discuss it as a nation?
Am I able to recognize that violence is still violence, even if a Brown or Black person does it?
Am I committed to bring this same VOTE OR DIE energy to support causes come Jan, Feb, Marc 21 and beyond? Am I willing to support those causes even when the ppl leading them are angry, use a tone I don't like, make me uncomfortable?
Am I willing to read up on the activist work already done by so many before me for those causes? Am I able to recognize that someone who I am talking to who does not wish to vote may already know this long, painful history? Even participated in it?
If kids are still in cages come March 21, no matter who is the president, what am I willing to do? Who am I willing to support? When cops are still killing people come March 21, what am I willing to do? Who am I willing to support?
Am I willing to devote the same level of scrutiny I did to Mueller's every breath and Tr*mp's every spelling mistake to the policies coming out of the next admin around policing, education, debt relief, drug policy and mass incarceration?
You can follow @surlybassey.
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