I’m thinking many suburban housewives won’t soon forget being at home with kids for months on end, with none of the usual options for keeping those kids happy. All while they watched other countries roll out unified national responses to a pandemic.
No camps, no zoo, no play dates, no summer movies at the theatre, no pool, no beach trips, no parks, no Target runs for the heck of it, no eating out; no childcare as we try to keep working, keep the house clean, and make food they like. And, NO TESTS.
Nope. What’s on the forefront of my mind is a refusal to do anything as we watched case counts and deaths skyrocket. Instead of street fairs, languid afternoons at our favorite parks, and staying at the pool till the sun goes down, we stayed home and read about mobile morgues.
You know the mama bear cliche? Yeah, it’s actually a real thing. Our strongest instinct is to do everything in our power to protect our children.
When we have many of the tools we use to accomplish that ripped out of our hands, then dangled in front of us in a game of sick keep-away, we won’t forget it. EVER. And WE’RE GOING TO VOTE.
Check your registration, and make plans to be sure you can vote. This election will change the course of history.
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