How democracy and Abrahamic behaviour are intertwined-

Assume you have a populace and you just instituted a government backed by electoral democracy. Now what do you do next? Your goal quickly becomes
staying in power, because unlike dictatorship and monarchies,
you aren't shot dead or exiled because of an electoral defeat. You continue living in the nation, but now you face humiliation from the new rulers as well as the common public who voted against you. Only way to avoid this humiliation is to stay in power in perpetuity.
How do you do that? By creating votebanks who are loyal to you. So caste consciousness and mobilisation happened more after independence than before independence. Starting from the 50's it continues untill today. In exchange of their votes, you need to give them something
So you centralise power as much as you can, which allows you to distribute things like land, water, credit, etc. to the people who are loyal to you. Remember that having power also necessarily means taking power away from other people, castes, and institutions (like H temples).
That is done to ensure that there is no alternative source of power which can challenge your authority. So far so good. But there is still one piece of the puzzle left unsolved.
Since you can theoretically still be voted out, you can never truly trust your votebanks to behave the way you want them to behave. How do you solve this problem?
Step 1: try to get the Ms on your side, they have a very specific set of demands which can be easily fulfilled.
We underestimate just how simple M demands are. Crush idolatry and worship Allah, that's literally it. They don't give a flying fuck about roads, infrastructure, etc. To paraphrase @parantakaa, they are in the gutter but they own the gutter.
Hs are different, different castes have different demands. Some want infrastructure while others are happy with free water and credit. If they are unhappy, they might defect to your rival party which would send you in the prison. But there is a way out of this trouble.
You demonise your rival party, but it has to work in such a way that your votebanks never leave you and join them. So you demonise the *votebank* of your rival party, using words like oppression and freedom. This is where victim politics and Abrahamic behaviour makes an entry.
Your party convinces you that voting for them is essentially a gateway to heaven. Otherwise you would be sent to hell. You are a good person because you voted for them. You are a good person because you attend the mass, otherwise you are a bad person. Very similar isn't it?
Freedom means your party is in power, and must remain in power forever. Otherwise you are oppressed. I wrote this in the context of caste but you can also see parallels with the language politics and democratic politics elsewhere in the world, especially in the West.
Modern democracy was created by a fancy interpretation of the Bible by the Protestants. For details read John Locke.
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