A HuffPost analysis shows how he had been losing interest in them pretty steadily since his first months in office, even though those briefings are a responsibility of his office that no one else in government can do.
The Comey firing was also a watershed moment for his intelligence briefings.

Until that day, May 9, he had taken 54 intelligence briefings in his 110 days, an average of 3.4 per week. In the 1,200 days since then, he has received 281 briefings, an average of only 1.6 per week.
White House officials for years have denied that he has been getting briefings more infrequently, insisting that the public schedule does not always reflect the briefings he receives. They declined to explain why some briefings wind up on the public schedule but not others.
One former top aide, asked on condition of anonymity whether Trump actually took more intelligence briefings than were on his public schedules, began laughing aloud. His reaction was the same when asked whether Trump reads the intelligence briefing books prepared for him.
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