What I've learned after 1 year of being a Product Designer @fellowapp (in no particular order)…
Ask lots of questions, welcome feedback from all angles.
Part of my job is presenting solutions back to the team, and there’s only so much mind-reading I can do to get things right. Ask lots of questions up front to take out the guesswork so that we’re as aligned as we can be.
Identify the right problem to create valuable solutions. It’s easy to get caught up in solutions for solution's sake. But when you uncover what the real problem is (by asking lots of questions), then you can shape valuable user experiences.
Balance user goals with business goals. As designers, we are champions for the user experience, but it’s important to have solutions that support the success of the business.
Design wide, not deep to get as much early feedback as possible. It’s okay to show something that’s not quite finished or even right. If it’s wrong, it will at least push the discussion in the right direction before hammering out the details.
Create a conversation with users through the UI. It’s impossible to ensure every user is a pro or has onboarded perfectly. How many times have you closed out of a product tour? Your users likely aren’t taking the happy paths you designed, support them through the entire journey.
Everything is an experiment. Very few things you design are 100% right or done. Make informed assumptions, and when you get new information, adjust. Listen to your users and track their feedback. The sooner you track feedback, the sooner you know what’s working and what’s not.
I can't believe it's only been 1 year since joining @fellowapp. I've learned so much already and know that there's so much more to come. I'm really excited & proud of what we've been able to build over the last year.
Coincidentally, today is a big milestone for us as we launch Fellow 2.0! If you're able to check it out & have any feedback, let me know!
You can follow @darcyaubin.
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