The cleverest thing Margaret Thatcher ever did was the Right To Buy policy.

R2B gave the tenants of council housing (housing owned by the local council wherein affordable rents were charged to tenants) the right to take out a mortgage to buy their property off the council.
The reason this was one of the cleverest things she ever did was because she effectively set about through this policy (and also through many others) the destruction of the community. Rent paid on council housing went into the local public coffer, which would go to fund...
...libraries, leisure centres, daycares, local public works and other local services.

By allowing people to buy their own property, not only did she create a generation of homeowners who now consistently vote Tory at every election (over 50s) but she entrenched individualism
By disconnecting people from their local community via the destruction of public housing, people became less vested in the funding of their local public services, allowing the private sector to swoop in in its place - the expansion of the market is a core tenet of neoliberalism
R2B also led to the effective destruction of affordable housing along with her other policies of financialising the British economy, which led to the concentration of wealth in London and the destruction of industry in areas like the North of England, Scotland and Wales.
Through the concentration of wealth in London, it simultaneously became the centre of economic opportunity but also completely unaffordable to live there.

This is why young workers are now particularly feeling the squeeze and are simultaneously the most socialist
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