all right guess i have to say it cause yall wont- the only reason yall are drooling over this is cause it makes him look more caucasian and you've been taught eurocentric standards of beauty for your entire lives
no, but this one's personal, ash. i'm mixed and struggled with parts of my physical appearance- parts that aren't white- for years. frizzy hair, wider nose, my dark eyes. being on stan twitter, I've accepted that some of y'all aren't gonna stop misusing AAVE, but this is fucked.
and to have someone i look up yo and am inspired by whitewashed? and to have a community i trust not call you, @CorpseSpouse, out on it? yo have this community decide that he looks better with white features? that hurts, man
and you were gonna give him white hair too, to make his albino- we both know that means he’ll end up lookin white asf. delete this, please, ash.
there’s a sense of isolation that comes with being mixed in a white neighborhood, in a white fan base. i’m not white enough for my white family, not black enough for my black family. y’all don’t know what it’s like to have your race and identity in question.
not to mention, i’ve grown up in a liberal college town, in a time with way more mixed kids then when mark was growing up. being a mixed kid? in the 80s/90s? i have only a taste of the loneliness that that can cause.
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