I’m gonna moan about moaning now. Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?!?!

Anyway before I write a song that’s not ironic at all, this is Twitter, people are free to post how and what they like. If you don’t like what they do or how they do it, block them, move on. Don’t be negative
Don’t be a dick.

Don’t like a hashtag? Mute it.
Don’t like a follower? Block them
Don’t like a new feature? Ignore it

I appreciate everyone has bad days and people will complain. 24/7 positivity isn’t healthy and isn’t true. Even the most positive of people have bad days.
But even in those days where you feel shitty feel down feel crap don’t take that out on other people on here.

Share the bad like you share the good. If someone doesn’t support you through the bad then fuck them off.

Again, it’s not hard to ignore something new, a hashtag or a
Person that you don’t get on with or don’t like.

Everyone is here for a good time so let’s just enjoy it and have fun. Join in don’t join in. Use new features don’t use new features like someone don’t like someone but don’t be an ass or nasty about any of it.

The end.
Also I know it’s a bit contradictory to say people can post what they want but don’t be negative. That’s in regards to what other people post. Like don’t hate on people for joining in with things cause you don’t like it or think people are in the cool crew cause they do things
That you don’t do.

Also just don’t be a fucking creep. No one likes it, it’s not funny and it’s not nice either. While I’m moaning guys can we stop sending unwanted dick pics? If a woman wants a pic I’m pretty sure she’ll let you know.

It’s really not hard to not send one.
That really is the end now. The encore is over.
You can follow @itsmymatepaddy.
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