I have a strong feeling that audio is going to enable the next wave of startups. Have been seeing more and more of this as I talk to people in the tech ecosystem. My audio based thesis is based on three 'legs':
1. Audio monetisation: Audio is coming back in a big way in terms of 'supply' - podcasts and streaming. Not just Spotify, but there are now startups that focus on streaming genres, e.g. @cosound for indie. Who is building solutions to monetise these?
2. Audio social: We've all heard of Clubhouse, but additionally there's a number of others like @voicehubapp that are coming up. I see this turning into a vertical specific market quite quickly (e.g. Clubhouse for football)
3. Audio assistants: Currently, there are two big ones (Alexa and Google) and a long tail. These assistants can't talk to each other, and without that IOT will have limited use cases, and consumers will be constrained. Who's building for voice assistant interoparibility?
Keen to hear thoughts, or of startups doing interesting work in this space. Definitely something to look out for!
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