no bc something is very wrong with  ...
violating jimin’s father’s privacy multiple times, despite being called out by me the first time an now this mess ??

- a small but imo necessary thread
recently she dmed me on one of my saved accounts blaming me for her bad mental health and threatening to harm herself after i called her out for violating jm’s father’s privacy again (ss w/ he globe sticker)... which should also tell you a lot about what kind of person she is.
i’m still posting these twts bc i believe it’s important for someone to call her out. idc if this doesn’t get attention, at least this thread will be out there. she has admitted that she’s obsessed with jm & it’s very obvious when you take a look at her tweets & the way she acts.
oomf who got s worded posted an expose thread on her quite some time ago. unfortunately the screenshots are now gone, but i saw them myself. in those screenshots busanboytwt was seen wishing d word upon people for blocking/unfollowing her & overall being violent & disgusting.
i also got this cc about her some time ago. i dmed her about it & of course she denied what anon said, but since i saw the screenshots of her being disgusting, i kind of doubt that she was being honest to me.
overall she’s just a really weird person tbh, i’ve seen quite a lot of people including mostly pjms being extremely weirded out by her obsessive tweets & by the way she acts. she often tweets creepily almost as if she knows jimin (which she obviously doesn’t)..
after all the stuff i’ve seen her do & she’s done to me, including victimizing herself when she’s no victim of mine or anything even close to that, wishing death on people, being obsessed & creepy, i personally don’t believe someone like her should have a platform.
wish i had the screenshots from s worded oomf’s thread, but please know i have no reasons whatsoever to lie about another jimin stan on this platform. i’m also not the only one who’s seen her weird behavior. either way you’re free to believe what you want. stay healthy & hydrated
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