New Traders Mistakes

A Thread 👇🏾
1. Lack of Education - New traders enter the markets without doing much research and expect it all to play out
2. Risking too Much - As New traders have no risk mangement. They will be risking too much on their trading capital and will eventually end up blowing their accounts
3. Forcing Trade Setups - New traders tend to have a habit of always wanting to be in a trade, just so they can make a quick $$

This shouldn't be the case. You should always wait for a clear trading setup to present itself
4. No Trading Journal - New traders don't usually have a trading journal. A trading journal is important so you can look back at past trades you've entered and realised where you went wrong
5. No Patience - Trading is a marathon, not a sprint. You're not going to be making a ton of money overnight. You should always have patience and trust the process! If you've made the decision to want to trade, keep studying! You'll forever be a student in this industry
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