noah fence but "Every night I burn / Scream the animal scream" is a fantastic lyric and it was really sexy of Robert Smith to treat us to that
it's such??? a simple line and yet I ALWAYS get it stuck in my head. more than any other line from that song. it paints a descriptive picture without saying Too Much which is something I'm regularly trying to achieve in my own work. I'm always over-describing things.
also, yknow, I'm aware this is songwriting and you have to keep shit short and sweet if you're in a rock band versus writing a novel/short story/whatever. of course things are less wordy in rock bands.
it's short, sweet, and to the point. I think that's what I'm pretty much aiming at with this thread. it's a line that doesn't overstay its welcome. it says what it has to say and gets the fuck outta there. perfect.
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