What is the Name of The Almighty Creator?
By: ISTLM (2017)

Jehovah, Yahovah, Yah, Yehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, Yahshua, Yeshua or Jesus or What?
Step 1 Pray now!
Step 2 Open your bible.
Step 3 Read Thread with your bible.
Step 4 Fast & pray more!
This thread is important to everyone! Pentecostals, Protestants, King James Only advocates, Catholics, Hebrew Roots followers, sacred names believers, Torah followers, Jewish, Jehovah Witnesses & even Muslims.
If you use any of the following words, this thread will be very important to you: "Jesus, Hallelujah, Jehovah, Yehovah, Yah, Yahweh, Yeshua, Yahshua or YHWH".
What is the name of the creator? Jehovah Witnesses say his name is Jehovah. Hebrew roots movement groups proclaim the Yah names. They claim that there was no letter J in Hebrew. Most English speaking people proclaim Jesus name. What is the real truth?
Are we damned if we use our modern native language instead of the ancient Hebrew language?
Is a person damned if they do not accept the Hebrew names?
Are the Yah names truly Hebrew? https://twitter.com/SouledOutWorld/status/1229516216974422017
What is the total truth about the "sacred names" issue? Must we do away with the name "Jesus"? Must we stop using the titles "God" & "Lord"? What does Hallelujah & Jehovah mean? What name did Moses write?
If you have been dealing with these issues, you owe it to The Almighty Creator & to yourself to read this entire thread & to do much fasting & much prayer! This will be one of the most important decisions in your life!
To keep things simply & easy to understand, I highly recommend that you first read through the entire thread slowly without clicking on any of the links.
Then go back & read it again, clicking on the links that you are most interested in, which document & proves what has been presented in this thread.
Everything is documented & proven. Only facts are presented. If you want to get deeper into the study, you can go back & click on every link to see every bit of the evidence.
I urge you to not discount & reject this thread without first examining all of the evidence that we present in the entirety of the thread. But to first understand what is being said, it's best to first just read the thread & then later go back & examine the source links.
What is Traditionally Taught:
Most people are taught that in original Old Testament, name of the creator appeared as "YHWH" or perhaps YHVH, & then people add vowels between each letter, in order to translate it into either Yahweh, Jehovah or some other variation of the Y names such as Yehovah, Yahshua,Yeshua
The very first thing we need to understand is that when you go to school in Israel, they teach you that the language of the Jews is not the original Hebrew language. The style of writing letters is also not original Hebrew.
As historical records show, & as they teach you in school in Israel, the style of writing & the alphabet is called "the Assyrian Script".
This is because when Israel was taken captive by Babylon, thousands of years ago, in the B.C. years, the original, true Hebrew language, called "Paleo-Hebrew" was banned by Babylon & so was the original, true name of the creator.
It is also documented, well known fact that Daniel wrote Daniel 1:1 until Dan.2:4 in Paleo-Hebrew. But when he got to 2:4, he started writing in Assyrian, Babylonian Aramaic. This change of language was required. https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/dan/2/4/s_852004
The Israelites eventually translated the entire scriptures into the Assyrian language in a new corrupt bible called "the Targum" & almost completely lost their original language.

To this very day, the Jews do not speak Hebrew, but rather Assyrian Aramaic, but with a Jewish dialect. All of this are documented facts of history! When you look at most websites that proclaim the Y names, what they are calling the "Hebrew" language is not the Hebrew language.
They are pointing you to the Babylonian Assyrian language, & they are completely ignorant of these very basic elementary school facts! They only call it "Hebrew" because it had become the language of the Hebrew people when they were in Babylon.
This is documented fact & well known in Israel. When you look at Strong's Concordance of the Old Testament, look at the top of the page if you have a hard copy. It says "Aramaic" dictionary, & if you have an older copy, it says "Chaldean dictionary"! https://twitter.com/SouledOutWorld/status/1260502446830469120
Strong's Concordance does not give you the original Hebrew words of the original bible! Instead, it gives you the Assyrian, Babylonian Aramaic words of the very corrupt Babylonian Targum bible that the Israelites were forced against their will to write while in captivity!
Chart #1
Alphabet Family Tree
(Chart does not include all languages throughout history.)
Notice chart #1 of the alphabet family tree. Notice how "Hebrew" & "Syriac" are brother languages, sons of Aramaic (Assyrian). Yet "Old Hebrew" or Paleo-Hebrew is not. They both descended from Phoenician language but Paleo-Hebrew & regular Hebrew are of two different branches.
Notice also how that Old Hebrew or Paleo-Hebrew is listed as a brother of Greek. True ancient Hebrew looks & sounds like Greek. History also shows that the Greeks attained their language from the Israelites. Actually, Greek is Hebrew.
You can see that very clearly by comparing the languages in the following charts! Modern Hebrew & the so called "Hebrew" of Strong's Concordance & Assyrian, Babylonian Aramaic look & sound alike, they are closely related, & are actually the same!

Original settlers of Greece were the tribe of Dan, one of the tribes of Israel, during the time of either Joseph or Moses! This is partly how the Hebrew language came to Greece. The original Greeks were Hebrews! https://www.dropbox.com/s/vxz72cltkj4aea9/DanGreekExodus.pdf?dl=0
See how Assyrian/Babylonian Aramaic looks like modern Hebrew!

The Following descriptions of similarities are from:

Aramaic & Hebrew:

Biblical Aramaic is closely related to the Hebrew language of Strong's Concordance as both are in the Northwest Semitic language family.
Some obvious similarities are listed:
Same Aramaic square script (which was adopted to write Hebrew in place of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet found in earlier inscriptions).
The system of vocalization used is the same for the portions of the bible written in Hebrew & those written in Aramaic.
Verb systems are based on tri-consonantal roots.
Similar functions of the verbal conjugations.
Nouns have three states: the absolute, construct, & emphatic.
Chart #3
Another comparison of Aramaic & modern Hebrew (language of Strong's Concordance & Masoretic text)
Proto-Semitic Hebrew Aramaic
The fact is that original sacred Old Testament scriptures were translated more than once. As generations went by & as language evolved & Israel was affected by evolution of languages & the Babylonian & Assyrian captivity, the scriptures were translated into language of each era.
For example, the scriptures were eventually translated into Greek during the Greek & Roman Empire & then eventually into Latin during the time that the Roman Catholic Church was at its height in world domination.
Eventually it was translated into German by Martin Luther who greatly persecuted the Jewish people. https://twitter.com/SouledOutWorld/status/1192586446391140360
Then eventually the bible was translated into English, but it was old English due to the language of the time. Eventually into modern English with the New King James & other modern versions. https://twitter.com/SouledOutWorld/status/1293142665928806403
Time & evolution of languages changed the language of the bible though different eras. The same was true during the earlier eras.
The scriptures were originally written in "Old-Paleo Hebrew" (true Hebrew) then eventually translated into a Jewish dialect of the Babylonian language of Chaldean/Aramaic.
Aramaic, which is actually Assyrian, the language of Assyria & Babylon, was adopted by the Hebrews when taken captive to Assyria & Babylon. Aramaic replaced ancient Paleo-Hebrew.
Examine very closely any hard copy of the Strong's Concordance. Notice the "Hebrew" dictionary in the back of the book. Notice how it says "Hebrew & Chaldean Dictionary".
Then pick any page of that Hebrew/Chaldean dictionary. Any page. Look at the words on the page. Notice how it says "(Chaldean Origin)" for not just one word but several words, on every page of the old testament words!
The common claim is that the Aramaic language is used only in the books of Daniel, Ezra & a few other places in the bible.
However, if you really study & examine all the facts, all of the Strong's Concordance Dictionary of "Hebrew" words are actually of the Aramaic, Babylonian, Chaldean or Assyrian languages, not true Hebrew.
Chaldean was the 11th dynasty of Babylon. Chaldean was the empire of Babylon during the Babylonian captivity of the Hebrew people.

It is at that time that the original scriptures were translated into Aramaic/Babylonian/Chaldean/Syrian. The Aramaic translation of scripture was called the Targum.
The language of the Hebrew People changed from Hebrew to the Chaldean language which is actually Assyrian.
Concerning when Ptolemy of Egypt was going to translate the bible into Greek, The respected Jewish historian, Josephus, said in his book "The Antiquities of The Jews" Book 12, Chapter 2, (page 309)

"...will cause no small pain in getting them translated into the Greek tongue: (15) that the character in which they are written seems to be like to that which is the proper character of the Syrians, and that its sound, when pronounced, is like to theirs also...".
What does "Aramaic" mean?

It means "Assyrian"! Aram is just another ancient name for Syria. Aram is Aramaic or Assyrian.
Therefore, Strong's concordance doesn't point to true Hebrew. It points to the Assyrian language. The Israelites adopted Chaldean (Babylonian/Aramaic/Assyrian) words & religious beliefs. The word "Chaldean" means "moon" or "moon worshippers".

Smith's Bible Dictionary 1878-1895 on page 52 under the word "Chaldea", says that Chaldea means moon in Armenian.

Armenian is another language that descended from Aramaic & is closely related to the language of the so called Hebrew of Strong's Concordance & the corrupted Babylonian translation of Holy scriptures.

If Chaldean means moon or moon worshippers, then the Chaldean language is the language of the moon worshippers. The word Chaldea also means Astrology or an astrologer. It is the language of wicca.
Witches actually chant the letters.
Something else very interesting is the meaning of the words following Chaldean in Strong's Concordance. The number of confirmations related to the word Chaldean is astounding!
(as in the deadly head wound revelation) https://twitter.com/SouledOutWorld/status/1293790287186321408
(as in the red bray horse of Revelation 6) https://twitter.com/SouledOutWorld/status/1293793068345438213
Now, let's get one thing straight, there is no such thing as a "pagan language" or a "holy language". All languages are cousins. However, there are certain words that refer to pagan gods/demons.
Both the Hebrew roots "sacred names" believers & I agree that there are certain names that we must avoid & never use to refer to the True Almighty Holy Creator, because there are names that actually are connected & originated with the worship of pagan gods.
Our differences lay in the question of what names?
What Was Originally Written?
Let's take a look at how the name of the creator was written in the Paleo-Hebrew language in the scrolls of the oldest known fragments of the Old Testament.
In these first 2 images, the scrolls were written in Aramaic. But when they wrote the name of the creator/God, they wrote his name in Paleo-Hebrew. This is why his name really stands out & appears different from the surrounding text.
This is because these scribes understood that the holy name of The Almighty should never be translated or corrupted, changed or altered in any way. When they wrote the creator's name, they were sure to write it the original way!
This first image is of the book of Psalms in the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in cave #11. This image shows columns 20 through 24 of the Psalms Scroll from Qumran Cave 11.
These columns include text from:
a psalm that is not found in any Masoretic Text but is known from the Greek Septuagint of Ben Sira 51 (Ecclesiasticus)
a non-canonical Psalm called "Apostrophe to Zion:
a Psalm known from the Syriac version of the bible (Syriac Psalm 3).
The name of the creator is circled in the image below & underlined in the image below. The image on the right is of a fragment called "11Q5". It dates to around 100 BC. It has Psalms 121 & 122.
1. Reading from right to left, the first letter is the ancient Hebrew Jot/Jota/Jud. Y name followers erroneously call it the "Yod" because they are focusing on letters & sounds of the Assyrian language. It looks like Z with a line through it.
But it does not have the modern English Z sound. According to what other sound it was connected to in a word, it could have the sound of J, I or E. Since it was connected with the vowel sound of the next letter in the divine name, it must have the J sound.
A website here shows the mandatory rules of the Latin language which most truth seekers would be very weary of.

But the fact is that Latin is just a form of Greek, which is a form of Paleo Hebrew as we have already proven earlier in this thread. Latin is not demonic. It's just an ancient language related to Paleo Hebrew. (The rule of J sound applied to Latin, Greek & Paleo Hebrew.)
In the source article, the first mention of the letter sound of J, it includes this quote:
"For convenience we will use the letter j (named jota) to mark the [j] sound, as it is common from the Middle Ages onward".

It does not say that the j sound started in the middle ages, but was common in the middle ages.
Then at the bottom of the article it says:

"By the epoch of the Late empire (3rd and 4th c.) the diphthongs ae & oe were equalized with the short e & au with the short o.
The pronunciation of y coincided with that of i & by then the letter name ypsillon was replaced in the popular language by i graeca Greek i."
It does not say that it was pronounced Y in every word & combination of letters. The first section mentioned already declared rules for when it was pronounced with J sound. Nothing in the bottom section demands a Y sound in every word possible.
Then it says:

"The most important phonetic change of that period was, however, the palatalization of c & g before the anterior vowels e & i & the equalized with them ae, oe & y...
G was palatalized in all Latin speaking world to [D3]. The consonantal i [j] was also transformed to [D3]."
The only thing this says is that in the Latin language the J sound became mandatory in the 3-4th century, which is more than 1500-1600 years earlier than the Y name people admit!
The article doesn't prove beyond any doubt what sounds existed & did not exist in the life time of Jesus & in the B.C. years. But it does prove that the J sound is extremely earlier than the Y name people want to confess.
The article does not prove that the Y sound was required in every word before the 3rd century. The article does enough to cause a huge earthquake in the foundation of the Y name doctrine. Where did these rules come from in the 3rd century A.D.?
Of course, it would have come from the usage of words before the 3rd century. Words, sounds & letters are always used by the population before declared mandatory by the so called experts. Also, there were no audio recordings in the ancient civilizations.
The study of ancient languages is complex & ever evolving. We must keep digging & looking; & examine all of the evidence, not just one article or one source. Please take the time to examine all of the evidence that we present in this thread.
If you are sincere about knowing the truth you must look at more than just one piece of the puzzle. Consider the tons of proof presented below!
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