I cannot emphasise strongly enough how much I do not want to see white people's opinions on Kamala Harris
To the radicals: Black people can take care of dragging their own.

To the neoliberals: Also not interested in your thoughts on how she's okay. You don't have the range bby.
A point of development and clarification... My original tweet was actually about the frustration of seeing white ppl talk about Kamala without reflecting on their positionality in that discourse and 1) veering into misogynoir or 2) she's a BW, so she's good by default
So actually what I mean is less a "white ppl aren't allowed to talk about this" and more a "I'm tired of seeing how white ppl talk about this without any self reflection."

I could've expressed that more clearly.
For example... this is the kind of thoughtless, unconsidered nonblack response to my OP, which tells me that actually, a lot of nonblack ppl don't realise that misogynoirist structural harm can exist in how they talk about a harmful black woman. https://twitter.com/e_sequin/status/1293473569574465538?s=19
Hence why, for some, it probably is best they just dont speak at all, and amplify. Because they really don't have the sensitivity or insight to engage this with the care it requires.
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