What Is the difference between a meltdown and a temper tantrum?
A meltdown is 'an intense response to overwhelming situations'. It happens when someone becomes completely overwhelmed by their current situation and temporarily loses behavioural control whereas tantrums are an angry or frustrated outburst...
While autistic meltdowns are a reaction to being overwhelmed. A person with autism has no control over their meltdowns, and will not benefit from the normal measures to reduce tantrums like distraction, hugs, incentives to ‘behave’, or any form of discipline.
Tantrums need an audience. An autistic meltdown will occur with or without an audience. They can occur when the person with autism is entirely alone. They are the response of an external stimulus overload that leads to an emotional explosion (or implosion).
Goal oriented vs overload. A tantrum typically stems from frustration from not getting what one wants in that moment
An autistic meltdown on the other hand is all about being overwhelmed.For autistic,when they reach the point of sensory, emotional, and information overload...
...or even just too much unpredictability, it can trigger a variety of external behaviours that are similar to a tantrum (such as crying, yelling, or lashing out), or it can trigger a complete shutdown and withdrawal.
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