I'm a serious witness of God's restorative power.
The level of things you go through in life has a lot to do with who you are called to be.
Often times, we despise when we experience hardship and trauma.

We write them off as bad things, when in reality, God has purposed and orchestrated events for His divine purpose.
We all have our own cross to bear.

In fact:

Luke 14:27 ESV
Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
I encourage everyone to REJOICE in their suffering. You have no idea what your suffering is producing in you.
Suffering actually produces endurance in us.
When you suffer through things, you have the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

This is why suffering produces endurance.

If you can make it through your suffering, your story will reflect endurance as its byproduct.
Many people will even be surprised by your testimony when you share because you've experienced turbulence and trouble.
The people who have experience the most trouble may have the greatest calling from God.

Do not despise suffering.
Do not count yourself out.
When you have endurance, it produces character.
Your character is the mental/moral disposition you hold relative to your nature as a human being. Character is built.

It is formulated over a series of responses to problems. A series of decisions to situations. A series of choices. A series of action.
Endurance produces character because it requires you to CONTINUE
even when vulnerable areas of your life and entire being have been exposed.
A character-trait that I have developed from extreme hardship is resilience. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
When you have stress in your life that you have ENDURED, you become tough. You are not easily broken by worldly pains that the average human being would be broken by. You have withstood many hits.

Rest assured, God can use you for the Kingdom.
When my mother died, I remembered.

I specifically consoled my old sister. when we were told the news. This experience generated endurance in me. Death is difficult. When you can endure pain, God will give you the strength to conquer healing from even trauma caused by death.
There is hope for those who have endured pain and loss. When you are challenged by mitigating circumstances, your character grows.
Your world-view is shaped and altered in a manner that others may not have accessed yet. You see hope in every situation.

Character produces HOPE.
Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.
When you have hope, you won't be put to shame. You will begin to view life's troubles with a positive lense.

God will provide understanding to you, in its time of each situation.
Because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us... We will have a constant reminder of things hoped for.
We will grow in understanding of our experiences. God gives us knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
There may be experiences you feel you have lost at. God can restore everything you've lost.

So rejoice in your sufferings.
Romans 5:3-5
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