Who needs period leaves?

Meet Ms. ABCD. She has endometriosis. Suffers from unimaginable pain during her periods. She pops pain killers like candy. We've seen her hide her tears in shame after being labelled 'attention seeker' for asking for sudden leaves on duty.
Meet Ms. EFGH. Every month, she is unable to get out of her bed. Yes, PMS! You cannot talk or motivate a girl out of PMS. You can't just wish away her mood swings. You just hold her hands, pray she eats her food. A psychiatric friend helps her too, but still it's bad.
Meet Ms. IJKL
She was standing doing her job and the next moment-- thud! She was down on the floor! Her blood pressure dropped to low levels. She was given intravenous fluids stat. She continued her duty after her BP stablized. It happens everytime on first day of her periods.
Meet Ms. MNOP
She suffers from heavy bleeding and accidently bled in her trousers. Someone alerted her to it. She was embarrassed and just wanted to run away to change into fresh clothes. People were staring at the red spot. She desperately needed her dignity back.
Meet Ms. QRST
She suffers from mittelschmerz. Her periods are 15 days away i.e. every time she's ovulating, her tummy gets tensed and she throws up. She lies on the bed, bundled up neatly in a corner. Someone told her it's appendicitis and she's worried.
Meet Ms. UVWX
She has been trying to conceive. She's had 6 abortions. She's on hormonal therapy now, and her periods are far more erratic than ever. She's bled 3 times in this month already. Nobody at her workplace knows about her personal struggles.
She has been granted 20 leaves in an year by her employer. 10 leaves are spent on taking care of her children, 10 on managing her painful periods. It was good so far, but she's fallen sick with typhoid this year. She's being marked absent from duty and getting no pay.
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