It's kind of funny how it was a big deal when "shut-up and dribble" came out, and people were clamoring unfair bias and racism. But now that the left disagrees with one of his takes they do the same thing.
It is interesting to see how people veil their side in righteousness and that's why they are allowed to make certain statements that others can't. People not being able to see that the the human mind will do any and all mental gymnastics to validate their viewpoint is something.
The human mins is really something because I think it has left people with the mentality that if they don't get their way, their genes won't be able to be passed on to the next generation, which is the primary goal of all organisms.
Basically I'm saying people become deluded to further generate revolutionary fever for their viewpoint which the mind believes will better lead to success. Idk how well I got that message across, but I think further study on such a subject is needed.
The one who can understand how the human mind works can control the world by getting others to follow along for what they believe is common sense.
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