tw// homophobia pedophilla

i hate the kornic side of ikonic twt so much. yall sit on here and invalidate lgbtq stans, dox people over NOTHING, make jokes about p*dophillia and always are in the business of ikons families. like PLEASE leave them alone+
like ur mad we’re calling u homophobic when ur mad lgbtq ikonics are calling ikon members gay. we find comfort in our idols let us be it’s never as deep as yall make it out to be+
tw// pedophillia

on top of that yall are shippers as well, not only of ppl with in the group which makes u hypocrites, but also of ships including hanbins underaged sister. it’s disgusting and makes so many of us unbelievably uncomfortable i’m sure including hanbin+
imagine seeing ur own fans doing this to ur sister who was like 3 when we first saw her and hanbin and is now only around 9 years old. comments about her and junhoe will never be funny they’re disgusting +
also all of yall are always in the business of ikons families. PLEASE stay out of junhoes sisters yt comments asking about junhoe she’s her own person with her own channel and life leave junhoe tf out of this +
and not only their siblings and stuff but again with the underaged family members. i promise you it’s weird to be obsessed with bobbys nephew the way yall are. don’t make weird tweets about him. DO NOT have him as ur pfp it’s strange he’s a literal baby+
and not only all this but yall will never let ikonics defend ikon ur always apologising for ikonics that are actually defending ikon and hanbin from antis, but then attack us for making harmless jokes, even going as far as doxxing people over the video from junhoes vlive+
so many ikonics are uncomfortable and tired of it here that’s why more ppl are leaving and finding other groups to stan. kornics probably make up majority of the fan base now which sucks cuz yall don’t know how to stream, defend ikon or treat ikon like normal humans +
also yall just blatantly hate dongchan and never support them, the same goes for yun who always works hard to do shit for us when none of yall deserve it.+
ikonics like this are the reason the fandom is dying and i’m just tired of it being hell here cuz normal ikonics and ikon don’t deserve that+
oh also some of yall are fully grown adults fighting underaged ikonics, acting really weird with the members and acting strange with other fans in ur replies so leave it out and stop being crazy
i’m sorry none of this is coherent i’m just tired of yall
in conclusion ikon gay
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