Retweeting an article labelled the "Rainbow Reich" is not a good look, the article itself amounts to Holocaust denial, as if Gay men weren't brutally murdered by Hitler's regime.
Using far-right propaganda to attack trans doesn't further women's rights one bit.
This artificial "Terf" war has been created by alt-right. Trans and women are not the problem or real issue, their rights are. And guess what the main point of the article is lost in transphobia; men are the problem, particularly men in positions of power.
In a fortnight when
3 MPs/exMPs have been in the new for abuse of women almost no-one has picked this culture of abuse in Parliament up.
The Equal Pay Act is 50 years old, guess what it still hasn't happened in real terms. Men not #trans dominate boards of companies including Edwin's own @BBC
The Sex Discrimination Act is 45 years old yet discrimination still exists.
#UN wrote a report on impact #austerity policies in UK, women were one of the groups adversely effected by these government policies. How many trans politicians were involved in creating these policies?
The @cpsuk have at last recognised that women get a really poor deal from the justice system when it comes to rape and sexual violence against women. This is also true for domestic abuse.
Most rapists are men, who the woman victim knows. Most domestic abuse is carried out by
a male, partner or ex-partner.
In none of the appalling statistics are trans people a factor, unless its being abused.
In the meantime reported #homophobic and #transphobic hate crimes have doubled in last 5 years.
This rise in hate coincides with the false 'TERF' wars.
Yes we all need to support women gaining true equality with men, but not at the expense of minorities such as #LGBTQ community.
Women's rights aren't being denied by #trans or #nonbinary people, but by men in positions of power not wanting their male privilege being lessened.
Instead of making this 'cis' v 'trans' (sorry for any offence) how about making it about #equality of rights and social justice;
About promoting the rights of all #women and allowing #trans people to be have their rights recognised too?
Let's take the hate out of debate.
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