(1/4)NEVER create a fan game for profit. I don't care if it's a Patreon for "donations" or "development costs." IT DOES NOT MATTER. Fan games exist in a very grey area, but nothing will make that grey area black and white faster than making money from them.
(2/4)Sega has been very kind to allow fan games to exist and in fact thrive, but there is an unspoken agreement that fan games abide by that it is purely for passion, learning and fun. The moment you make money from it you are in the wrong. There is no nuance. You are wrong.
(3/4)Music is fine if it's your own compositions, lyrics and don't infringe. Fan animations I frankly don't know, but it seems to have been generally accepted by corporations so who's to say. But games the situation is clearly more complicated and clearly has a heavier influence.
(4/4) Don't let your selfishness risk the well-being of a scene that by and large plays by the rules because it's just that: selfishness. If you're making a fangame that will cost you, pay out of your own pocket with no reimbursement or use free assets. Those are the ONLY choices
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