For those asking about my disdain for ibuprofen and non steroidal anti inflammatory in general which include popular pain meds like grandpa and Mybulen. I’ve spoken about this before but just to reiterate, they can cause ulcer formation in your tummy
Which can lead to very sinister outcomes if not treated properly or in time.
Symptoms include: pain just below your sternum (the epigastrium) which either gets worse with food if ulcer in stomach or gets better with food if ulcer lower down and heartburn
Acid build up and constant reflux can cause pain in the throat. In sever cases can cause bleeding which will look like black poop or vomiting out what looks like coffee ground. In more extreme cases if ulcer is lower down and big can cause a blockage between stomach and..
Small intenstine, which can lead to projectile vomiting of undigested food, even food you had a few days ago. Electrolyte imbalances.

In very very extreme cases the ulcer can burst open causing you stomach content to leak into the rest of your bowel which rapidly..
Causes infection whilst you are also bleeding. This is a medical emergency, it can lead to dead bowel which might mean you would need it cut out and a bag stoma bag put in or death. I’ve seen this too frequently.
And in more chronic and sinister conditions can lead to cancer in the lower portion of your throat due to that increase in acid reflux and constant irritation.

This was very summarized. Take it with a pinch of salt. Read up on it if you want more info ♥️
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