I hate going from tears of joy to tears of pain caused by being nauseated due to sensory overload.
I hate it when people who done understand the extent of pain or agony that getting one or more senses complete overloaded. They just think it's just too loud, bright, smelly, etc. and that I one can just buck it up.
I hate it when someone takes things way too darn personal when they are told what caused the sensory overload and get all defensive.
I hate that I feel like I have to internalize all of this pain and varying levels of anger in order to not appear to be triggered, over-acting or look childish.
I hate it when people have idea how much energy it takes to brace for impact or withstand the overloading of the senses. Also, that it's not every smell, taste, touch or bright light that can cause an overload every time.
For instance, I've built up my threshold for the smell of the smoke each time the Timbers or Thorns score a goal at home. But, the smell of a charcoal grill can be quite stomach turning from 5 or so meters away.
If I can anticipate someone patting me on the back and brace up for it, it's not too bad. If I don't expect it, it can cause a lingering overload where I can feel the impact for over 20 minutes.
I know this thread won't have any significant impact: but, it's the only way that I can vent right now and keep myself from falling to bits (and keep my mind off of my lingering feelings of nausea).

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