ranking NCT 127 stans from least scary to scariest (and adding what i can tell),, i’ve forgotten most of their individual fan names sorry💔
coming in last at 9 we have Yutazens

not scary at all, you guys just want him to get appreciation (which same)
a little weird but that’s okay
literally the sexciest people i don’t make the rules
after them we have Moonies

you guys are crying over Taeil undercut and his phat luxurious ass and vocals
you have probably been screaming about his hugs at least once the past few days
you probably find him cute and hot but mostly cute
next we have Dozens

i am one of you and i’m not scary and i haven’t met one that is scary but i feel like some of you are out there
smart big brain sexcies
we just cry over his :]
after them we have Snoopyzens

not scary, very soft but honestly you guys could deck a btch who talks bad about ANY member
otherwise you guys are adorable lil softies and usually really pretty
cottagecore vibes from you guys but that’s besides the point
then we have Jaehyunzens

you guys like to act like hard stans but i know you have cried over how cute his dimples are at least once
you guys can be scary sometimes but most the time no
if you were to tell me you biased Jaehyun i’d probably assume you’re extremely pretty (scary)
starting now we have the ones that genuinely scare me sometimes

most the time, you guys are chill and kinda act high no offense
but then Mark does that body roll thing, or has a really good verse, omg, you go feral it is actually scary
duality royalty❤️
other than that you guys just talk about the baby lion mark agenda
top 3 we have Sunflowers

you WOULD deck me but honestly i do not blame you
you are usually on the louder side and that’s okay but it’s also really scary
quiet sunflowers are even SCARIER, you hide in the shadows, it’s scary
but i still love you guys you’re so funny

(this pic♡)
number 2 we have Johfams

you stan an extrovert
he said he enjoys awkwardness and likes to keep eye contact with people
that is fcking terrifying
would also deck me and i still do not blame
you guys are sarcastic and also really funny ily
you guys also have insane scary duality
and coming in 1st we have TyongFs

idk you guys give me popular kid vibes and it’s scary
every single Tyongf that i’ve followed i’ve been intimidated by (as long as yong was their pfp)
would punch me and this one❤️ i accept it you guys are hot
there’s also a lot of you guys </3
~• end of thread •~
should i do Weishinnies and Dreamzens?
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