Had a long (and tiring conversation) with my male BFF about the culture of harassment. I give multiple examples.
"But I don't do that. That shit's not okay"
"BUT do you ever tell the guy it's NOT okay? Go back and tell the mandem that it's not okay"
Give multiple examples of how I have been harassed over the years starting at age 12.
"wow. That's crazy. You've never told me about these ones"
"dude. Do you know how EXHAUSTING it is to repeat this shit over and over? No. If I told you about every time I'd be tired"
Then I said, it's not crazy. It's the norm.
He tells me about a time when a girl was rude because he asked for the time.
"I wasn't trying to hit on her. Why does she have to treat me the same as the other dudes who were hitting on her?"
Me: as long as you keep saying "I'M NOT like that. I don't do that" but never say to those men, "hey don't do that", you will get women cussing you when you say hello. Want to make it easier? TALK TO THE MANDEM.
He had called to warn me to be careful because some dude was following women downtown.
Me: yeah and? Happens ALL the time. Go and tell the men to stop doing it. Stop telling me to be careful. WE ALREADY KNOW
I challenged him to go back and do this. Let's see what happens.
I challenge you (YES YOU) to go back and tell a man or two.
Start with one.
We women are TIRED.
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