Electric Vehicles are net net great for the environment, only in countries that get their energy from clean sources, renewable sources. In India, especially in Delhi, just shifting pollution from tailpipes of Pvt cars to chimneys of coal thermal plants won't help.
Thermal power plants, whether in Delhi or outside (ah, we have over a dozen in close proximity of Delhi), hv huge social and environmental cost, and if electric vehicles are powered by dirty energy, then 'decarbonisation' pitch is a facade.
Most importantly government's transport policy should gear towards strengthening public transport, making it safe, robust, accessible and affordable, and not incentivise purchase of more n more cars, electric or non-electric.
Climate change or air pollution debate is not about pollution that is visible, up your nose, in your sight, but comprehensive, holistic and long term solution to the problem. It needs 360 degree solution, not patchy policies managing the headline than the pollution.
Electric Vehicles could be good as end of the pipe pollution solution, we need to think about other end of the pipe pollution too. Irony is that one govt announces electric vehicles policy, and the other in the same country announces more coal mining and thermal plants.
Pollution and public health debate can't be restricted to car buying populace(or even electric car buying ones, richer folks!),It has to be about people living around the coal mines n thermal plants(rural poor), city's poor, and ppl can't breathe well not bcoz of their lifestyle.
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