Kamala Harris wants to legalize accessory dwelling units.
Kamala Harris wants to have district-wide school choice.
Kamala Harris wants to allow duplexes on corner lots.
Kamala Harris wants to consolidate municipalities.
Kamala Harris wants to build a bus stop.
Kamala Harris wants to have free breakfast in elementary schools.
Kamala Harris wants to make the NAR follow the Fair Housing Act.
Kamala Harris wants a moratorium on historical landmark designations.
Kamala Harris wants local government meetings to be held on weekends.
Kamala Harris thinks we have enough off-street parking.
Kamala Harris once spoke favorably of apartments.
Kamala Harris wants to cut quotas for speeding tickets on nonresidents.
Kamala Harris wants to improve CAFE standards.
Kamala Harris bought a Bosch dishwasher and runs it on the standard 2:25 cycle.
Kamala Harris does not want to spend state money on new sewer construction.
Kamala Harris once spoke at a New Urbanism conference.
Kamala Harris opposed the third widening of the freeway overpass.
Kamala Harris likes four-foot fences in front yards.
Kamala Harris wants smaller setbacks.
Kamala Harris voted for the reassessment.
Kamala Harris approved a variance.
Kamala Harris wants sidewalks on residential streets.
Kamala Harris likes xerophytic landscaping.
Kamala Harris doesn't care if you mow your lawn only every other week.
Kamala Harris drives a sedan.
Kamala Harris wants zero lot line houses.
Kamala Harris favors funding of public schools through income taxes not property taxes.
Kamala Harris approved a mixed-use development.
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