let’s talk about write in candidates for a minute. I wasn’t raised a democrat. my dad is a communist who usually votes green. he has NEVER written in a canidate that wasn’t on the presidential ticket. in a two party system - make your vote COUNT
my dad (who is the biggest Bernie bro & worked for him in Vermont) taught me to be critical of every political canidate, because the US is corrupt. we need to change the system, but the controllers are inside the building. we cannot enact change sitting on our asses
vote for supreme court justices. vote out mike pence.

do we have the perfect ticket? - no

do we have a ticket that isn’t trump?

“they’re just as bad”

no. they are not. we are not just electing a president & VP, we are electing supreme court justices

i will take 40% better than Tr*mps america.
I will take 20% or 10% or 5% or 1%

we KNOW what four more years of this will look like. it’s deadly
in order for a third party canidate to win the election, the entirety of people who voted for Biden Warren, Bernie, etc- would all need to vote for ONE canidate....a SINGLE canidate who couldn’t even win the primaries
abstaining from voting in protest against a two party system does NOTHING but hurt us. the ONLY way that would enact change is if literally not a fucking person in the country casts a ballot.
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