Some free advice that all of #khive will attack me for: Harris needs to prepare a response to Trump criticizing her on criminal justice from the Left, which he will absolutely do, just like he did when he went after HRC for her “super predators” comments. Anyone who says, “but...
... Trump is an open racist and bad on criminal justice,” is stating the obvious. I lived through his calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5. But if you think that will stop Trump for calling out Harris’ various draconian decisions, you have no understanding of...
how Trump works. Same thing with Hunter Biden. Trump’s own corruption and nepotism will in no way inhibit him from accusing Biden of that. Trump doesn’t have to live by the rules that most politicians and certainly all Democratic Nominees have to live by.
Please don’t think I’m saying Dems don’t get away with a lot. Od course they do. But they run on (perform) having integrity and believing in fairness. Trump doesn’t. It’s his secret weapon and nearly unlimited get out of jail free card that libs often don’t understand.
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