Lately, my 8yo has been terrified of magical things like monsters, evil spells, things like that.

He has been raised in a secular, free-thinking home, yet, this stuff is still scaring him.

I wouldn’t classify myself as an atheist, but rather an agnostic, but in this instance, engaging in supernatural thinking with my son would not help him.

In order to help him, I have to explain that things we can’t see, touch, taste, feel, hear, are not real.

I could go the other route, and tell him that there are angels/god protecting him from the evil things,

Yet, isn’t that perpetuating the problem, (believing in supernatural)?

This has been going on for a few weeks.

Are children better served in every way with evidence-based thought?

In my son’s case, yes.

Other kids, maybe not. Maybe they need the imagination/creativity/freedom to believe in mermaids and Santa Claus.

But, my son? He isn’t thriving on the possibility of supernatural beings. It is causing him distress, just like it did me.

Maybe there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to the matter of belief/unbelief.

The key is understanding that belief harms some humans.

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