We’re in California.

And we’re calling predation “unexplained shark attacks?” and brutal serial killings? Seriously?
Ralph Collier and Brandon McMillan are featured experts. I don’t know Brandon
Now Mike Collier from California fish and wildlife
This is a very weirdly abrupt shift in tone and focus from previous great white serial killer shows and I don’t know why they didn’t just call it something else?
Let’s be clear: the reason why sea otters are endangered is because humans killed them not because of sharks.

And now we’re randomly in Mexico, where they just said there are no otters
White sharks did not wipe out otters in Mexico that’s preposterous nonsense.

To test this we’re gonna have a dude sit on a piece of plastic to see if sharks try to eat him? Wait what?
Anyone catch the name of the Mexican shark researcher who they briefly introduced?
This show is very bad and pointless but is notably different in why it’s bad and pointless vs. past “great white serial killer” shows
This guy sitting in a plastic box lying on his back “to simulate a sea otter” is straight up the most ridiculous nonsense I’ve seen in a long time.
“There are lots of great white sharks in California but we’re gonna go to Mexico to find great white sharks that have maybe been to California, because reasons”
Now we’re talking with people who have been bitten by sharks to get an otter’s perspective I guess? This show is a mess
Very scary music and bloody graphics
It’s not clear what they’re trying to learn in this show. The California government scientist told them exactly what’s going on already. I’m so confused.
Why are we doing experiments about how otters are killed by sharks? We know. Sharks kill otters by biting them. We already said this. They already showed video of it. What is happening. Why is it happening. I need an adult
“It’s an incredibly valuable piece of data” no it isn’t
Stop claiming that well known stuff that’s been in intro textbooks for decades are a brand new idea ugh
Wait they glued one tiny piece of kelp to a toy otter and claim this is somehow testing the benefits of a kelp forest? What is happening is this over yet?
If one of my middle marine science camp students designed an experiment this bad they would fail and marine science camp does not fail kids
This show is very bad. It tried to be about science but failed hard.

What a goofy backwards ocean conservation message.

D minus?

Ok I’m going to sleep be excellent to each other
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